Mrs. Perry - Starbucks
Mrs. Thomas - Diet Coke
Kevin - video games
Noah - Legos
Carter - my special Lovey
Dudley - video games
Sohum - Lego Star Wars Attack of the Clones set
Chris - Lightening McQueen
Michael - Skittles
Reid - my tractor
Witt - Lego Movie Melting Room Set
Stephen - TV
Craig - Nerf Guns
Renat - Target
Whit - dirt bike
Jackson - my mini motorcycle
Aadil - pancakes
Will - going to the playroom
Madoc - Minecraft
Frank - Lego Storm Trooper Alarm Clock
While we don't all celebrate Lent, it is good to give up something special every once in a while. If you go without it for a bit I bet you will appreciate it even more.