(Image used is from Google Images via http://murmurator.com)
I was on at Twitter tonight when a fellow teacher posted a video of the chorus at PS22 in Station Island, NY. As I watched the video, I watched the students as well as the teacher. The students were excited and involved and the teacher's joy for what he does almost cam through the screen. I find motivation in many things and seeing teachers with a genuine love for what they do always lights a fire under me. I love what I do and witnessing people demonstrate their passion for teaching in different ways give me a whole other level of motivation.
Here is a link to PS22 singing Just Dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0FPZolbYns&feature=related
This video reminds me of a few things:
1) How lucky we are to call ourselves teachers.
2) How great it is to work with children on a daily basis. Children have a joy and sincerity that adults sometimes loose in their daily lives. Their joy and innocence is amazing to witness daily.
3) Even if you do not teach a chorus or music class, you can use music in your classroom any time. Music is such a great medium for learning. I can still sing you the Declaration of Independence from Mrs. Jackson's class circa 1988!
PS 22 has a blog: http://ps22chorus.blogspot.com/
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