Thursday, November 15, 2012

We Are So Thankful!

We have so many things to be thankful for. Here are a few things our class is thankful for!
James - God because keeps us safe
Wilkes - my dog Rosey because she lives with me
Charlie - God because he made us
Chrishton - families because they protect us
Palmer - P.D.S. because they teach us
Houston - my dog Boswell because he was nice
Matthew - my mom because she is nice
Marcus - mom, dad and my brother Kevin because they are all nice
Cabell - my mom because she took me to school today
Thomas - my two dogs Sam and Sadie because they are nice and they mess around a lot 
Jackson - My two brothers because they are nice.
Jude - Everything because being thankful for things is nice.
Tucker - My sister Carrington because she likes Star Wars and I do too.
Wills - My good friend Coleman because his dad knew my dad and I have known him since I was zero years old.
Hyde - My mom because she is nice.
West - My family because they are nice. 
George - My friends because they nice to play with. 
Alex - My sister because we like to play together and sometimes my mommy goes out with us and 
 we play. 
Happy Thanksgiving to all! 
We would like to know what you are thankful for. E-mail our class at

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Our Thanksgiving KWL Blog

Happy November! It is a great month in SK. We have started talking about the first Thanksgiving, what we are thankful for and what we love about Thanksgiving. Yesterday we made our first KWL chart about leaves with Mrs. Ripper. Today we are going to make a Thanksgiving KWL with Mrs. Perry and share it with you on our blog. We hope you enjoy and happy Thanksgiving to all!

K - What We Know About Thanksgiving
Matthew - We eat turkey.
Wilkes - There were more Native Americans than Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving. 
Thomas - We also go hunting for turkey. Native American's danced at the first Thanksgiving.
Marcus - We eat cornbread stuffing.
Palmer - We give people things.
Jude - Friends or grown-up  serve turkey and chicken.
James - We give thanks to everybody.
Wills - On the first Thanksgiving they did not have pumpkin pie they had boiled pumpkin. Also, Squanto was kidnapped by Thomas Hunt.

W - What We Want To Know About Thanksgiving
West - Why do we have turkey on Thanksgiving?
Charlie - Why do some people hunt for turkeys?
Houston - Why do we have vegetables for Thanksgiving?
Wilkes - Why did the Pilgrims discover America.?
Jude - Why did the Pilgrims share their food with the Native American's?
Chrishton - Why do we give thanks?

L -What We Have Learned About Thanksgiving
Cabell - They had cornucopias.
Alex - I learned about Native American symbols.
Tucker - The Native American's had bow and arrows. 
Marcus - The Native American's how to hunt turkeys and grow corn.